Monday, December 12, 2011

Thank you to the usual suspects,

Kam Lin
Nihat Aydin
Neighbours: Shirley and Aysel

with my gratefulness for keeping an eye on things at home.

Upon arriving in San Juan I was met at the airport by Ali Francis Garcia, my host in San Juan for two nights.

Ali is an amazing man. He is so complex that many might not 'get' him. I think I glimpsed a little of him and I really admire him.

I hope I wasn't too much trouble for him.

Aside from what I have written elsewhere, I must say that when we were out he gave a great walking tour of the historic area, especially the - ship/gate/cathederal/convent/bar/cathederal/gate/ship one - It's OK if you don't know about it, he and I do and it makes me laugh. Ali, I will never forget that walk.

I cannot even imagine spending time in Old San Juan without Ali.

Ali, may your life be showered with blessings.

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