Friday, January 27, 2012

Something Different

I told you that I had been "commanded" to go to Annie's at 7:00 this evening to _artici_ate in a Mass. Yes, the _riest Father Luis was doing a Mass at her home.
We, in Canada, have never heard of this.

I told you how wonderful the Christmas Eve Mass was and the drama by the children etc.

Well, tonight I ex_erienced something I have never before. It was the same living room that I have been in many times, but the dining table was out front and centre and it served as the altar. Father Luis welcomed us all and did introductions because I was the newcomer (although he said he remembered me from Christmas). This man is wonderful. As you all know I am not a church goer, but he could make one of me.

There were two nuns in attendance, as well.

I did not dare take any _hotos during the Mass, but did get one after. Unfortunately, he had already taken off his outer vestment.

Mass today, even in Canada, is not what I remember. But, here in Culebra it is still more intimate and informal than anything I could imagine. After Mass, I told him that in my days the congregation did not sing, only the _riest and he res_onded with many of the old Latin verses that I remember so well. I thank him for that because it is not _art of the "modern" church, however, he touched a tiny _lace in my heart and s_irit that has been dormant for years. Thank you Father Luis.

I only have one _hoto of him and one of Annie who was hosting this Mass. Also, one of the "altar" after the Mass.

Tommy and Annie cooked a traditional dish for us to share after.

What a wonderful ex_erience.


  1. Tommy's outfit looks like the ones they wear in the middle east.

  2. That is true about looking like the Middle East, but it is not Tommy. He is Father Luis
    the Catholic _riest who said the Mass. He is a Catholic _riest.

    Father is similar to Imam.
