Saturday, January 28, 2012


It sure didn't take long for the new sitting area to receive the first guests. A grou_ of local men sat there for at least five hours today. Of course they were quenching their thirst with several Medellas. They were very tidy and _ut the em_y cans in a bag and took it to the designated garbage dis_osal barrel at the side of Susie's. They had a good day and I did t00, watching them.

It is not quiet anymore. There were actually three vehicles _arked out front, all day. Together with the boats and autos at the gas station, life has eru_ted on this side of the bridge.

A lovely woman came to rent one of the units. She is from France and is here for the winter with her two children. They come every winter. The kids get their studies from their school in France and while here on the island they study at Abbie's School (_rivate). If they do rent here for the next two months mom would like me to work with the children after school.........old teachers never truly retire.

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear that you are meeting new people from all over the place! lucky you.
