Friday, January 27, 2012

Hub of Activity

Dear readers,
I am sure you are not the least bit interested in the extra gas _um_ on the island or the fact that there has been a continuous stream of cars since 7:00 a.m. and it is now 4:16 or that a huge truck just _ulled u_ in front of my balcony and has been unloading a beautiful table and chair set. They are calling for Tommy, so I think they ordered it. It is to be set u_ alongside of the canal outside my unit. But, this is also the journal of my time on the island and these things are big changes in my tiny world, and also for the island. It is ex_eriencing how the island works. Yes, yes, I know I need to get to town more and eat and drink with some tourists, boaters, and ex_ats and I will, but not until next week.

BTW, I have new neighbours, once again.
So far I have had Ron and Jenna USA
Family from the Big island
Two young women from Finland
An older cou_le from ??
Another cou_le from ??
Now a young cou_le from Tennessee.

There are only two units on this side, but the one unit on the backside has had many guests, as well.

Monique is still u_stairs staying in a room in Annie and Tommy's s_ace and her friend from New York is arriving today.

I have been invited, no they said it was mandatory, to attend a function at 7:00 this evening. More later.

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