Friday, February 3, 2012

Island Time

I am certainly slowing down. There just doesn't seem to be any big rush to go out and ex^lore. I still have four more weeks here and I do need to leave some things to look forward to. Oh yes, I have now lost the underscore key and am using another for the missing letter ^.

It rained a lot today. Not a twenty minute tro^ical down^our, but a few hours. I just closed u^ and got comfy inside.

Yesterday, Luisa brought me a mosquito net. She brought it from the big island and it is a dream. I have a wonderful one at home that Tony brought me from China, but it is at home because my dear Annie said I didn't need it because there were screens here. Well Annie, screens cannot be cut three inches shorter than the o^ening. It just does not work. Mozzies and no see ums don't take the hint!!!!!!!

I missed a great ^hoto o^^ortunity today (when the sun was out), the ^olice came around. They came in a boat with huge letters on the side and three big 300 motors on the back. They ^atrol the waterways the same as ours do the streets. The other week a coast guard boat cruised by, but it was looking for gas and our station had not yet o^ened.

Another interesting thing. When I lost the letter ^ on the keyboard it caused no end of trouble when googling. I said to myself that there must be a way much sim^ler than the cut and ^aste method. I looked into my language teaching toolbox and I found the answer. Each language grou^ has difficulties with certain letters and/or sounds. The S^anish change a v and b, the Arabic change ^ and, wait a minute ^ and b. Hmmmmm, let's try it. I did. Everytime I needed a ^ I substituted a b and it worked. Yahoo came u^ with my choice, but also offered the one I needed. Gee, we never know how much our ^ast ex^erience will enable us to survive in a crisis situation.
Yes this is a crisis situation. I call the net my life su^^ort system.

I talked to Kam about getting a new MacBook when I get home, so that this is not the way I will have to communicate in the future. Either a new one or fix this one. However, if you are still following me this is the way it is for now. So sorry.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the explanation on the "p"....I was wondering what was going on in the email that you sent me. How inovative of you to come up with the google solution! What a bright gal you are!!!
