Friday, August 12, 2011

The Future

It is still summer here, but I am thinking about my three months in Culebra. This blog will probably not be about day to day issues and most certainly will not include side trips, as in Morocco. This trip will be more about looking at and appreciating what is (even the Iguanas EWWWWWWW). If I talk too much about day to day issues, it might end up being a gossip blog, which is something I don't want. However, there are people that I can't wait to meet because each of them has been instrumental in helping me to be able to make this trip. These people and my new friends will surely be most important in whatever I write. In addition, I hope to really have the peace and time to appreciate nature to the fullest and to try to express my feelings and observations here.

My greatest concern is the amount of walking I know I will have to do!!!!! One year ago this July I was unable to even go to renew my driver's license (thanks Bonnie) let's hope and pray that I am even more able than I was last winter in Morocco.